Monday, March 14, 2011

Wearing the Green

There is nothing like St. Patrick's Day for bringing out the beer drinker in you!
However, most beers have 110 to 160 calories in each 12 oz bottle. And some beers have more than 300
calories in a single 12 oz bottle.  Yikes...that’s a lot of calories!

With St. Patrick’s day right around the corner, I thought it would be a timely reminder that alcohol is NOT going to help you lose weight, not unless you want to be wearing the effects of the green beer for a while longer!

In fact, alcohol works against you two ways:
1. Alcoholic drinks are often packed with calories. Not just beer, but mixed drinks, too!
2. Alcohol slows down your metabolism, which forces your body to store more fat.

By all means, celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green... just avoid the alcohol if you can help it.

If you want to drink something green...try Green Tea...or one of my favourites...

Green Smoothie!Green smoothies consist of 3 basic ingredients: greens, fruit and water. Have fun experimenting with a wide range of varieties of both the greens and the fruit in order to reap the most benefit. You may be surprised to find that the simple combination of greens and fruit is quite delicious.

Here's what you need...
• 1 bunch (2 cups) spinach or any other dark greens
• 1 cup strawberries
• 1 banana
• 1-2 cups water
In a high speed blender mix the ingredients until smooth.

Nutritional Analysis: This single serving equals: 199 calories, 1g fat, 47g carbohydrate, 10g fibre, 6g protein.

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